Dynamic Living by Simone Craig

Spiritual. Health Conscious. Tree Hugger. Single Mama journeying to pristine, exalted joy in all aspects of life. This is real life.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Manifestation Series - IV - My Value

One area of my life that I have seen the most lack in has been my finances. I could go on and on about this but I will not. First because it'd be boring. Second because it'd be focusing on lack and what I don't want. So, I'm not going there. I'm getting the hang of this. :) Either yesterday, or the day before, I got fed up with having negative experiences with money. I have been focusing on what I want and feeling really really good. In each segment of my day, I have been setting powerful intentions for what I want to see and experience. Things have been progressing nicely, except in the area of money. So I tapped into joy. In joy, I made a serious and powerful statement, almost to the point of yelling, that 'I WANT TO SEE EVIDENCE THAT I VALUE MYSELF MANIFEST IN THE PHYSICAL, THROUGH MY FINANCES, THROUGH MONEY OR OTHERWISE.' Today, while driving into work, I intended to make a lot money. I had no idea how I was going to do that. But I put it out there and expected to see results.

Well don't you know I received an email notifying me that my credit score increased significantly. I have been considering buying a home. My credit score increasing, increases my value to myself! My current credit score makes me eligible for a lower interest rate than my previous credit score. This essentially means that I saved/made a lot of money today!

Then, I discovered that my credit card company increased my credit limit by 250%. I would say that this is definitely physical evidence that I value myself comparable to how I felt when I set the intention.

I'm feeling reeeaaalllly good right now, y'all. I'm going to watch Big Love now. See you at the next installment of the Manifestation Series.

Prior Manifestations I, II, III.

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Manifestation Series - III - Sun Ra

First things first, I decided to start a Manifestation Series. So each time I see that I deliberately created something that I want, I can see evidence of it here. In 6 months, on January 2, 2008, I'll have a good sense of what the real deal is with The Secret, Law of Attraction, Deliberate Creation, the Law of Allowing, and most importantly, myself.

Yo my good people! Are you up on Sun Ra?? This man was incredible. He was a pioneer of 'free jazz'. He passed in 1993. One of my daily intentions has been to consciously be in vibrational alignment with my Spirit/Soul/Self. I watched the Sun Ra Arkestra perform the song 'Retrospect'. You can view it here. A shift occurred! It was like a light inside me was activated. I experienced myself as vibrating light. I consciously experienced my mind and body as light that is infinite. Talk about vibrational alignment! Woo!

Prior Manifestations I, II

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Sun Ra

i love him
